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Wayne Nelson

Doctor of Sci.


DR. WAYNE NELSON is a leading expert on reliability data analysis and statistical methods for accelerated testing.  He has privately consulted throughout Industry on hundreds of  diverse engineering and scientific applications of Statistics.  His applications include reliability data analysis, accelerated testing, quality control, measurement error analysis, planned experiments, sampling, and data analysis.  He develops and presents Reliability and Statistics courses for companies, universities, and professional societies.  He develops new statistical methods and computer programs.  He also works as an expert witness.  An employee of General Electric Corp. Research & Development for 25 years, he consulted across the company.  As an adjunct professor at Union College and Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., he taught graduate courses on theory and application of Statistics.


He was born in Chicago in 1936.  He received a B.S. in 1958 in Physics from Caltech, an M.S. in Physics (NSF Fellow) in 1959, and a Ph.D. in Statistics (NSF Fellow) in 1965, both from the Univ. of Illinois.


He has authored over 120 literature publications on statistical methods, mostly for engineering applications.  For outstanding publications, he was awarded the 1969 Brumbaugh Award, the 1970 Youden Prize, and the 1972 Wilcoxon Prize, all of the Amer. Soc. for Quality.  The Amer. Statistical Assoc. elected him a Fellow in 1973 for contributions to reliability data analysis.  He was elected to the ASA Council 1975-6, when he established and chaired the ASA Comm. on Presentation Awards (1976-9).  The ASA has awarded him nine Outstanding Presentation Awards for papers presented at the national Joint Statistical Meetings.  In 1981 General Electric Corp. Research & Development presented him the Dushman Award for outstanding developments and applications of statistical methods for product reliability and accelerated test data.  He received GE Corp. R&D Publications Awards in 1981 (100+) and 1985 (125+).  The Amer. Soc. for Quality elected him a Fellow in 1983 for his innovative statistical methodologies.  In 1988, the Inst. for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) elected him a Fellow for his contributions to reliability and accelerated test data analysis and to reliability education, a rare honor for a statistician.


He was awarded the first NIST/ASA/NSF Senior Research Fellowship at the National Inst. of Standards and Technology (former National Bureau of Standards) to collaborate on statistical modeling of electromigration failure of microelectronics.  This fellowship was funded by the National Science Foundation and administered by the Amer. Statistical Assoc.


In 2001 he was awarded a Fulbright Award for research and lecturing (in Spanish) on reliability data analysis for the School of Engineering of the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina's leading engineering university, and for local engineering and statistical societies.  Since then he has annually given a series of seminars for the School of Engineering of the Univ. de Buenos Aires.


In 2004, the Amer. Soc. for Quality awarded him the Shewhart Medal for his technical leadership, in particular for innovative developments and applications of theory and methods for analyzing quality, reliability, and accelerated test data, and for widely disseminating such developments through his books and many publications, talks, and courses.


In 2005 the Reliability Society of the IEEE presented him the Lifetime Achievement Award, the Society's most prestigious honor.  He was the second person ever to receive this award.  It recognizes his developments of methods for analyzing reliability and accelerated test data and his many contributions to reliability education through his books, articles, and courses.


Dr. Nelson authored the book Applied Life Data Analysis, published by Wiley in 1982 and translated into Japanese in 1988 by the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers.  The ASA invited him to present this book in the only short course at the 1982 national meeting.  In 1990, Wiley published his book Accelerated Testing: Statistical Models, Test Plans, and Data Analyses, which he presented as an invited short course at the ASA 1990 national meeting and many in-house and public courses..  He authored the ASA-SIAM (2003) book Recurrent Events Data Analysis for Product Repairs, Disease Recurrences, and Other Applications.   He presented invited short courses from it at the 2002 and 2004 Joint Statistical Meetings, the 2002 Deming Conference, and the 2006 Foro of the Mexican Statistical Assoc. (in Spanish).  He has authored eight book chapters, two Amer. Soc. for Quality tutorial booklets (translated into Italian), and contributed to four technical standards of engineering societies. 


He can be reached at WNconsult@aol.com


More details of his career, publications, and  many applications appear at www.members.aol.com/WNconsult  .