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Optimal Maintenance Zoning

for Mobile Repair Stations Operation

Optimal Maintenance Zoning for Mobile Repair Stations (MRS) Operation is a project with objective to create maintenance support for terrestrial telecommunication system developed by Hughes Networks System, Inc.

Customers’ population is dispersed over a huge territory. Each customer has its independent satellite telecommunication system. For maintenance and repair of the customers’ equipment, the company uses Mobile Repair Stations.

The problem was to find a method of zoning of the territory and determine the location of MRS bases, which minimize the entire system cost under condition that the maintenance system satisfies given requirements of QoS (Quality of Service).

For solving the problem a simple software has been developed and was implemented for zoning in Florida.

Expected financial gain overcame 3 million dollars a year.


Dr.Sc. Igor Ushakov
e-mail: iushakov2000@yahoo.com 
(858) 623-3214,
address: 3525 Lebon Dr. #215, San Diego, CA 92122

see PowerPoint Presentation...



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